A noticeable increase in production volumes was shown by the main product lines of the enterprise, including acrylic emulsions, formaldehyde resins and additives in concrete. The achievement of such results was facilitated by the active work of the company to expand sales markets, increase the range of products, as well as a high level of customer orientation.
According to the results of the first half of 2022, 531 million rubles were invested in the development of production. The company continues to modernize key production facilities, upgrade equipment, introduce new technologies, and work to improve product quality. Pigment builds its activities in such a way as to maximize the use of available resources not only for effective work at the moment, but also for further development of the company in the future, improving production processes and quality management system.
Realizing the high social responsibility, the company's management pays special attention to the preservation of human resources. It is worth noting that according to the results of the 1st quarter of 2022, the average wage index in physical terms amounted to 116%.
It is worth noting that today the specialists of Pigment JSC are carrying out the final work on the preparation of a non-financial report in the field of SD and CSR for 2021. At the moment, the report on the sustainable development of the company has successfully passed public assurance in the RSPP Council on Non-financial reporting. In August, the material will be freely available on the official website of the company in the section "Sustainable development" https://krata.ru/evolution /.