From 2 to 5 December in Moscow, within the framework of the International Forum of Civil Participation #MYVMESTE, held under the auspices of UNESCO, the results of the International Prize #MYVMESTE were summed up.
This Prize was held in pursuance of the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation No.PR-1150 dated 23.07.2020. Its main goal is to identify leaders of social change from among the community, including business, and to support companies' initiatives in the field of corporate social responsibility. The award reflects the contribution of the regions to the achievement of the national development goals of Russia until 2030.
Note that out of 25.4 thousand applications submitted for the Prize, only 288 finalists from all regions of Russia reached the final. In the "Business" track, 80 projects from 17 regions of Russia are presented in the final, including the project of JSC "Pigment", the only one from the Tambov region that has passed all stages of assessments and examinations.
According to the results of the popular vote in the final and the assessments of the professional jury, the project of Pigment JSC "Information and Exhibition Center of Pigment PJSC as a Center for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise and Territory" was recognized as the owner of the 1st place in the Business track in the Country of Opportunities nomination. The project of the enterprise was presented byIrina Chemercheva, head of the Pigment Information and Exhibition Center .
A little about the project. The information and exhibition center of Pigment JSC prepares future specialists from schoolchildren and students, thereby forming an external personnel reserve, reducing the risks of non-replenishment of personnel, an increase in the average age of employees and inconsistency with the trends of the time. The project popularizes engineering and technical professions, forms technological literacy and important qualities: from hard work to demanded “soft skills”. It is also aimed at solving infrastructural issues related to the lack of funding for the study of natural sciences.
As a result of the victory, the enterprise will be awarded the status of "Partner of National Projects", and will also be awarded free participation in the Russian Investment Forum, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and the opportunity to show its work in a specialized area of the Russian Investment Fund.
Let us remind you that this is not the first victory in the short period of operation of the Information and Exhibition Center. The center is the owner of the Grand Prix of the All-Russian prize “Route of the Year” - “The best route to the existing production”; within the framework of the All-Russian competition of the best career guidance practices "Ticket to the Future", the information and exhibition center was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Models and technologies of career guidance aimed at increasing the awareness of the choice of a profession in children." The video of the information and exhibition center "Pigment" was recognized as a laureate of the competition "Museums and Industrial Heritage - 2019", held within the framework of the IX International Tourism Forum "Visit Russia". And also in 2021 the Tambov Exhibition Center became the winner of the All-Russian competition "Family Tourism".
We invite you to visit the Information and Exhibition Center of Pigment JSC. We will be glad to see you at the address: Tambov, st. Assemblers, 1.
Information note about the project:
The international prize # WEMESTE is held to develop a culture of mutual assistance, support leaders of social change and initiatives aimed at helping people and improving the quality of life. This prize is being implemented with the support of the President of the Russian Federation and contributes to the achievement of national development goals.