Our achievements in 2019 :
140 000 tons of chemical equal to 8.4 billion rubles were produced in 2019 by PJSC Pigment.
Production index in kind was 107%. The production increased in cash equivalent growth by 12%
The net profit of PJSC Pigment was 1.56 times more versus 2018. The same is for goods shipment growth. Sales volume increased by 14% and amounted to 8.6 billion rubles.
29% or 2.5 billion rubles - of the total volume of shipments fell on export supplies.
39 000 tons of our chemicals were supplied to foreign clients , that is 10% more than last year. The organic pigments, acrylic dispersions, concrete additives, sulfamic acid were among the most demanded chemicals produced by PJSC Pigment. The MMA-based gasoline additive, banned in Russia, is still in demand. We sell our products in more than 20 countries around the world.
Over the past year, our company has significantly strengthened our position in the market, and expanded our presence in a number of commodities. An increase in the output volume is noted for almost all product lines. The best result was gave the acrylic dispersions - plus 37%, additives to concrete - plus 17%, the production of organic pigments, fuel additives, synthetic resins, sulfamic acid increased within 3-8% at the end of 2019.
Investments in production development and innovative projects in 2019 amounted to 306 million rubles. We continue the renovation of our optical brighteners facilities. We implement a large-scale environmental program, with the target to utilize industrial wastewater without using open storage ponds. Significant funds were allocated by PJSC Pigment to digitize the production site and to increase labor productivity.
PJSC Pigment became the first participant of the national project on "Improving labor efficiency and supporting employment" from the Tambov region. This program is implemented under the supervision of Federal competence center (FCC) experts. This program started in September, and the Concrete admixture production was chosen as a pilot project. The result was a 29% increase in labor productivity after the first three months of active work at the facility. The goal is to increase productivity by 60% in 6 months. The results will be summed up in March. Then, the successful experience of concrete additives plant is planned to be extended to all divisions of the company. High labor productivity is the basis of the company's efficient operation.
In the year of the70th anniversary, PJSC Pigment crossed the 8-billion mark in production volumes. Our results in 2019 allow us to make ambitious plans for the future in expanding of export activities, supporting the innovative component of our business development.