PJSC Pigment, among 400 participants in the competition for the Russian Federation Government Prize for Quality and currently is at the correspondence stage - the evaluation of the Report by Expert Council
The participants are assessed by a number of criteria, not only by the results of production and economic activities, but also by the benefits for business partners, employees and society as a whole.
According to the founders, the RF Government Prize for Quality is the main award of companies that are constantly striving to improve the company operation and product quality, improve environmental and social programs
It is the first time for PJSC Pigment to participate in such competition. But the fact that the company is included on the list of official applicants is in itself a positive result, because the application documents do through serious control, a some kind of preliminary selection round. The Report model is designed in such a way that the company makes a self-assessment: analyzes the achieved results, the efficiency of the operation methods, identifies potential risks, weak and strong sides. As well as the company plans the measures to improve approaches in all aspects of company business activities.
To participate in the project, PJSC Pigment has prepared a report that reflects the results for the past five years. Within the last 5 years PJSC Pigment increased the output by 1.2 times, and increased the net profit by 2.4 times. The share of exports rose from 20 % in 2014 to 30 % in 2019. The consumer base has expanded by 1.5 times. Labor productivity has increased by 36 % in five years at the enterprise, and the process continues. PJSC Pigment is a participant of the national project " Labor efficiency improvement and employment". In the scope of environment protection our company double reduced the industrial wastes. The share of energy in the cost of our products decreased from 4.6% to 2.4%.
The analysis of the company activities shows that management process in the scope of quality, ecology, industrial safety, labor and health protection were brought to a fairly high level. In addition, the work on the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility was arranged. Managers and specialists of PJSC Pigment concluded that the company has created a base for Integrated quality and environment management system (IMS). We have already started to prepare for certification for compliance with the standards of this system.
Thus, the competition for the Government Prize for Quality helped us to analyze our strong and weak aspects and to identify promising areas for our development. Our internal vision of the company's prospects will be complemented by an expert assessment from the Award Board. In general, the results will contribute to the achievement of our new goals.
The correspondence stage of the Russian government's quality award competition is expected to end in May. In case the participant Report score is more than 250 points, the independent experts will visit the company to evaluate the business activity on the spot. The overall results of the competition will be announced at the end of the year.