On November 17, specialists from Pigment JSC and Asia Cement LLC held a webinar on the topic "Modern classification of cements and concrete additives, especially their production and use, including in winter concreting conditions . " The speakers were Alexander Rakul, Production Director of Asia Cement LLC, Oleg Suzdaltsev, Head of the Concrete Technology Department, Asia Cement LLC, and Andrey Perekhrest, Head of the Scientific and Technical Center of Pigment JSC. The conference was attended by over 50 representatives of companies and specialized organizations.
We would like to remind that JSC Pigment has been developing the direction of Additives to Concrete since 2004. Since that moment, the enterprise has increased the production capacity for this group, the range has significantly expanded, the scientific base has been developed. At present, Pigment JSC works with manufacturers of concrete, cement, gypsum board, synthetic rubber and reinforced concrete products throughout Russia, and supplies products to the countries of near and far abroad. The Tambov enterprise has established itself as an expert in the field of production of additives for concrete, as evidenced by the constant increase in the number of customers, great interest in seminars and conferences held by the specialists of Pigment JSC.
In his speech on the topic “Modern additives in concrete: assortment, production features. Additives for winter concreting " Andrey Perekhrest presented the conference participants with information about the advantages and features of using the KRATASOL ™ series of products produced by a chemical company for the construction segment.
He noted that in the KRATASOL ™ product line the consumer can find all the main additives used in the production of concrete, cement, drywall, building mixtures, reinforced concrete products and structures. Pigment JSC offers products based on polymethylene naphthalenesulfonates (PNS), aliphatic ionomeric polymers (AF), melamine based ionomeric polymers (MFS), polycarboxylates (PC). In total, there are more than 60 brands of materials in the product group, and the company is constantly improving its assortment, introducing new types of additives into it in accordance with the trends in the construction industry.
The presentation was also devoted to a relatively new and actively developing direction in the work of the enterprise - the production of additives based on polycarboxylates TM KRATASOL FLOW. The speaker spoke about the available assortment and presented for discussion the main advantages of the product, which are to ensure high performance properties of concrete at lower dosages, increase water reduction, as well as increase the preservation of the mobility of concrete mixtures.
The head of the scientific and technical center of Pigment JSC in his report paid special attention to the range of additives for winter concreting. Today, for work in the winter period, the Tambov company offers its consumers both antifreeze additives and complex products that have both a plasticizing and antifreeze effect, and also noted the main advantage of antifreeze additives of the Kratasol series - the absence of chlorides that cause corrosion of reinforcement.
The speaker dwelled on additives for concrete "Kratasol-Cryo PK", which allow work at low temperatures up to -25 degrees inclusive. It should be noted that these additives have already established themselves on the market as a high-quality, and in some conditions, a simply necessary product.
In addition, as a result of the event, the participants of the webinar received individual consultations from the specialists of Pigment JSC and Asia Cement LLC on issues related to the peculiarities of the use of products in their production, as well as on other aspects of interaction with companies.