The invited guests this time were Gudkova Maria Alexandrovna, Nikolaeva Natalia Pavlovna, Pashinina Tatiana Ivanovna, Filippova Margarita Ivanovna and Lyubimova Nadezhda Alexandrovna. All these women have worked at Pigment for more than a dozen years and are proud to bear the title of "veteran of labor".
The meeting with such a composition is not accidental. All present are former and current employees of the Central Laboratory (CL). Therefore, in a cozy atmosphere, over a cup of tea with treats, plunge into the memories of the past time and just talk about today's activities, everyone gathered with pleasure.
The conversation was developing mentally, there was a feeling that the veterans of those years spent away from the "Pigment" did not have. Former employees, as if they had just left the checkpoint of their native enterprise yesterday, and now they are happy to share their current working moments with each other and with young people: how the development of new products took place, what interesting places they managed to visit thanks to business trips, how creatively festive evenings were organized within the team and much more.
The guys, in turn, asked with interest about the former heads of the Central Laboratory laboratories, working equipment, the mechanism of interaction with other departments, and most importantly about the needs of Soviet youth.
In the course of communication, beautiful women share their personal stories of acquaintance with the native enterprise. Each had different circumstances that led them to the gates of the production checkpoint, but one thing unites them all – an acquaintance that later grew into life. As all veterans note, when they came to the plant, they found not just a job, but a full-fledged family!
- "We have always taken up the tasks set with great enthusiasm, took part in any social activity, yes, we can say that our whole life was spent on "Pigment", - says Gudkova Maria Alexandrovna.
Even after retirement, beautiful women did not lose their enthusiasm for work, on the contrary, there was more free time to find new hobbies and hobbies. For some, it became a trip, visiting the sights of other cities, etc. But for example, Pashinina Tatyana Ivanovna, working as a chemist in the laboratory of dispersed dyes of TSL, after finishing her work at Pigment, completely devoted herself to a new craft and became a master of decorative and applied art. As noted by former colleagues, Tatiana Ivanovna has always been distinguished by her love of embroidery, even during working days she pleased her partners with beautiful embroidery on the pockets of work coats. To date, Tatiana Ivanovna has a large number of excellent works and is a participant in All-Russian, Interregional, regional exhibitions and competitions.
- "For us, the youth, the communication was very fruitful, we were all very impressed by how multifaceted our veterans are. We will look forward to our new meeting, which will already take place in the second quarter of next year," said Margarita Tarielashvili, Chairman of the Union of Young Employees of Pigment JSC.