Last year, the employees of the Pigment enterprise collected and sent for recycling six times more waste than in the previous year. Including the following was sent: paper and cardboard - 16.7 tons; polyethylene - 42.9 tons, pallets - 158.3 tons; waste containing petroleum products - 0.4 tons; used car tires - 3.26 tons; batteries - 3.76 tons; used oils - 7.8 tons, office equipment - 0.4 tons, mercury lamps - 0.3 tons, etc.
Let us recall that Pigment has defined separate waste collection as a strategic goal until 2030. This work was launched in January 2021 with the aim of reducing the negative impact on the environment. An Action Plan was developed to increase the amount of waste sent for recycling. Collected waste paper and plastic are transferred to a specialized enterprise and sent for further processing.