PJSC Pigment is a participant of the local project for the improvement of a public gardens in city. The new green zone will become a real resting place for the company's employees as well as for all residents of Tambov.
The history of the creation of the park began in February 2020 when PJSC Pigment and Tambov Authorities had signed an agreement on the improvement of city property. The choice of the site fell on the nearby territory, located opposite the office building of PJSC Pigment. Before, there was an abandoned territory, that not only spoiled the general view of the area, but created an even emergency situation for transport. Overgrown tree branches interfered with the path of the electric wires.
At the initial stage of the project, the company's employees carried out a lot of preparation work: cleaned the area from debris, cut down old shrubs and trees, prepared the soil, laid paving slabs, prepared the irrigation system, laid a cable for night illumination, as well as placed benches.
The next step was tree planting. The General Director of PJSC Pigment, Andrey Utrobin, together with managers team of the company planted 33 catalpa tree seedlings. Thus, the company contributed to the history of Pigment and to the improvement of their hometown.
Andrey Utrobin, General Director of PJSC Pigment:
“Of course, it's a pity that this event was held in a pandemic situation. We took all the prescribed precautions. he planting was arranged as follows: each hole was divided for two persons and was located at a distance of 4-5 meters from each other. Even though the situation is complicated we are always happy to improve our hometown. "
Also, every year at the end of May, Pigment PJSC celebrates a double event: the professional holiday - Chemist Day and the company's birthday. In the next years, the flowering trees, during this period, will create a bright mood not only for employees, but also for guests of the company.
Today the company continues the project for the improvement of the park :planting lilac bushes, thuja tree , installation of street lamps. Completion of project is scheduled for late May - early June 2020.